Our commitment to delivering unbeatable deals means that all sales are final.
We do not accept returns or exchanges for any products purchased through our
Here’s why:
Each item is shipped and inspected by us personally and will not be shipped with any defects. Please be sure about your purchase before placing your order. We are certain you will not be disappointed with our products.
While we stand by the quality and authenticity of our products, we understand that occasionally, a product may require additional support. Certain items in our emporium are covered under a manufacturer's warranty. If your purchase falls under this category, we will provide you with all the necessary information to avail the warranty directly from the manufacturer. Warranty policies may vary depending on the product and manufacturer.
If you have any questions regarding the product or its warranty, please don't hesitate to reach out to us by sending an email to iam@snakeoil.guru. We're hereto ensure that your experience with Snake Oil Guru remains magical and hassle-free.